Advocate’s Toolbox – Bit torrent link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3db78d630392b199f4e6b25a05ca21d622ab952a&dn=Advocates%20Toolbox.pdf

(or) view the PDF posted in files on this Facebook group: Find within this manual hundreds of useful links regarding child predator services. Access your free copy from the following bit torrent link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3db78d630392b199f4e6b25a05ca21d622ab952a&dn=Advocates%20Toolbox.pdf This is a tool box. What anyone does with a tool box varies from one person to the next, but... Continue Reading →

The Grand Sham

Assistant DA   Danielle's words of September 15, 2018: Remember when I was assaulted and the assistant DA told the investigators at the sheriff departments to not investigate it after I filed a report? I then went to the assistant DA asking why he was refusing me a fair investigation and he said they would... Continue Reading →

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